Operation and Management

3. Operation, Maintenance

3.1 Data Storage

This integration requires System Object Extension to store payment related information.

  • Order Custom attributes

  1. isOpttyOrder (Boolean) – True if the order placed by Optty.

  2. opttyPaidAmount (Number) – Store paid amount.

  3. opttyProviderName (String) – Store the provider’s name.

  4. opttyProviderReference (String) – Store the provider’s reference number received from Optty.

  5. opttyRefundHistory (Text) – Store refund transaction details.

  6. opttyTransactionStatus (String) – Store the transaction status received from Optty.

  7. opttyOrderStatus (String) – Store the custom order status.

3.2 Logs

This integration introduces few new custom logs.

1. Optty custom log

This log file contains all errors related information of the int_optty_controllers, int_optty_core and bm_optty cartridges. Example log file:


2. Optty service log

This log contains every request and response to the Optty API endpoint.

To enable these logs, go to Administration > Operations > Services > optty.http.auth/ optty.http.generic and check the Communication Log Enabled preference. Examples of service communication log –


3.3 Availability

If the Optty service is unavailable, user cannot see the live widget in storefront and unable to checkout using ‘Optty’ payment method.

The service availability can be tracked in Business Manager (Administration > Operations > Service Status).


Email: support@optty.com

Last updated